Saturday, September 12, 2009

The MetalMagic journey begins...

It's been a long time coming. Not this blog, necessarily, although by association, that is also true. I am referring more specifically to my novel, MetalMagic: Talisman Incarnate. I've been writing for about ten years now, and it's my second novel. The first... well, maybe after some extensive revisions it might some day see the light of day.

And, I am self-publishing. Why? Well, I am a bit wary of waiting for traditional publishers and/or agents to decide my book is worth their time and investment. It has no vampires (not that I have anything against them) and it's not urban fantasy (I rather enjoy those, too). So, if I'm not willing to invest a significant amount of my own time and money on the book I want to produce, why should I expect them to?

Besides, a first-time author published traditionally probably has little in the way of an advantage over me. Again, why? Because a first-time author will likely receive little in the way of marketing and/or publicity resources from their publisher. Unless that new author is the next Stephen King, which I most certainly am not - and I doubt there are all that many waiting out there in the wings.

The way I see it, there has never been a better time for a self-published author to make his or her mark. Print on demand technology, the web, social networking sites and a host of other new opportunites beckon.

So, instead of asking why, maybe a new question is called for: Why wait?

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